Twinkles free media for download
You are bonding Twinkles – but does your patients know?
Describe your service on your website and social media.
Rightclick and save the pictures to your desktop. These are only to be used in accordance with our copyright policy.
You can use this short description: Twinkles is a tooth jewel made of gold and diamond. It is bonded to the surface of the enamel like an orthodontic bracket. No drilling or permanent change.
And don’t forget to order our free brochures and permit us to list your clinic our map.
2. Tag your picture @twinklesdentaljewelry (This allows us to repost it).
3. Post it to your stories.
4. We will add this to our stories and share in your area.
Trademark and Copyright policy
Twinkles is a registered trademark owned by Twindent. The trade mark shall only be published in accordance with Twindent trademark policy.
All pictures owned by Twindent is covered by copyright and can only be published in connection with the trademark Twinkles, with prior permission from Twindent.
TWINDENT’s trademark “Twinkles”, trade names or any other symbols as pictures shall be used only for the purpose of identifying and, or advertising Twindent’s products, within the scope of a prior agreement made between the publisher and Twindent.
Allowed variations of “Twinkles” are:
Twinkles dental jewelry
Twinkles tooth jewelry
Twinkles tooth gems
In combination with payoffs:- A reason to smile or -The original dental jewelry
Crystals provided by Twindent should not be sold under the trademark Twinkles but “ Dental Crystals by Swarovski in accordance with Swarovski policy.
The publisher hereby acknowledge that he does not have and will obtain no proprietary interest in such trademarks and trade names and agrees not to use the same as part of his corporate or business name and to discontinue all use thereof immediately upon the termination of this Agreement. The use of trademarks and other symbols should be in strict adherence to published corporate image policies.
Come on! - go and share a smile :-)
#twinklessmile #twinklesdentaljewelry