Guide for salons
Troubleshooting guide for bonding Twinkles.
If you have bought our kit for professionals please follow the procedure described in the instructions. View also the video on youtube >>
Why you do things in this procedure
The reason you etch is to roughen up the surface of the tooth, once you have etched and dried off the tooth you should see the area has become milky white and not as shiny as the rest. The tooth should be completely clean and dry after etching. The roughness is so fine the viscosity of the flowable composite is not high enough to grab on the the surface. But the bonding is. That’s why you add bonding, and if you want light cure a few seconds. The bonding and the flow will grab on to each other and the flow being thicker is strong enough to hold the gem. Read thru all instructions thoroughly and watch the video to secure a correct procedure.
The composites does not cure (harden)
1.The red cap on top of the light guard is to protect the tip when stored! Take it off when curing and avoid looking at the light. I sometimes find it easier to hold the shield in the other hand rather than have it on the light guard.
2. put a drop of composite on a piece of paper and light cure it for 30 seconds. If the composite is ok it should be rock hard.
The gem falls off within a week.
1. you can only bond to a live tooth. Caps, porcelain etc can’t be etched and the glue will not grab on.
2. If no composite remains on the tooth, the etching was not sufficient or the tooth not completely dry before adding the bonding.
After the procedure is done, clean the tooth with a moist cotton roll and rub firmly over the gem. If it is not done right it will loosen, done right you won’t be able to remove it. For that you need a dentist’s polisher. So don’t be afraid of rubbing, better have a failure immediately than having the client come back a week later.
Other details
The etch should be well cleaned off,
You only need a blob on the tooth twice the size of the gem and leave it for 20-30 second. Clean it off well but try to avoid touching any gum. Check for the milky spot after you dried the tooth well. (you won't see this on any false teeth or caps and the bonding will not work)
The bonding is the most expensive component - you only need one drop. As a matter of fact, I stick the microbrush down in the bottle, turn i quick to get the tip wet and there you have enough to cover the milky spot. - now you are in the critical movement - !
Time to move fast before your client’s breath will get the tooth moist. I don’t lightcure the bonding - it is optional - I cover the bonding immediately with the composite and place the crystal/Twinkles in the middle. Use the tip if the probe to slide the crystal around in the composite to cover the sides of the gem. This is crucial to avoid the glass from separating from the foil (This problem you don't have with Twinkles, but I slide them around as well) Then you use the curb of the probe and push the gem gently towards the tooth. (the tip might have composit on, and you don’t want that on top of the gem.)
Now light cure and you’ll have a happy customer.
If you still are having problems - take a video of you performing the procedure and send to us.
Other things to remember
You can’t rebond a fallen out gem - if it has any composite on the back it will not stick. Only a dental professional has the polisher to remove the gem and any composite on the tooth.
We would love some pictures to repost if you post on instagram use #yestwinkles for us to find your picks.
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